the bad kerb map

Bad kerbs make it hard for people using wheelchair or pushing children's buggies to get around.

This is particularly a problem in and around Wapping, where many of the roads are cobbled and many of the pavements are narrow. I want to map the worst offending kerbs, as a first step towards getting them fixed.

Here's how you can help:

Step 1
Photograph a bad kerb next time you see one

Step 2
Send me the photo. You can email or tweet me @johnsketches. Tell me where it was taken and what you think is wrong with the kerb.

Step 3
Tell your friends about the map and why it's important.

Common problems to look out for include;

Kerbs not dropped enough
- There's a slightly lowered kerb, but it's still not level.

Opposites attract
- Key crossing points should have dropped kerbs on opposite sides of the road. If they don't, people have to travel along the road just to get across.

Cobbled crossovers
- Wapping's cobbled roads are an important part of its unique charm. However, cobbles that cross over the pavement make life tough for wheelchair users and parents pushing buggies

Bad barriers
- Sometimes bollards and pedestrian barriers make the footpath too narrow or block the only crossing point with a dropped kerb

Just too narrow
- Sometimes the pavement itself is too narrow, forcing people to move into the road.

Mapping bad kerbs in Wapping is the first step towards getting them fixed. If we can get enough local information together, and we have enough local support, then newly created Neighbourhood Planning powers might be used to secure funds for improvements. Specifically, Neighbourhood Planning powers could direct Community Infrastructure Levy funds from local planning permissions towards this and other local causes.